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Threat Hunting


CERT - Yoroi is the Yoroi’s Computer Emergency Readiness & Response Team. It’s mission is to defend companies, entities and bodies part of its Constituency, to support them during crisis situations and cyber emergencies, to help protect themselves against National and Intentional cyber-attacks that would hamper the integrity of their infrastructures and harm their business. CERT-Yoroi achieves his mission through awareness raising initiatives supporting the enhancement of the security posture, the maintenance of threat intelligence programs and information about cyber-risks and emerging threats, response coordination, technical and analytical support. This specialized readiness and response unit is also Accredited into the Trusted Introduced TF-CSIRT community, the European CERT community network supported by ENISA. CERT-Yoroi cooperates with Italian institutional CERTs and CSIRTs, sharing and exchanging information to leverage and support the collective efforts against cyber-threats.
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