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Defence center


Millions of euros are lost to cyber crime each year and online security is a growing concern for businesses. As the cyber threat evolves and the incidence of attacks increases, maintaining preparedness and situational awareness is vitally important. Customised malware, DDoS attacks and the vulnerabilities of mobile and enterprise networks all present real challenges. The threats are advanced and adopt a revolutionary approach using sophisticated techniques, analytics and intelligence. For this reason Yoroi has created its own Defence Center. Our approach is the same pioneered to defend nations. We protect companies from known attacks, while our intelligence also keeps identifying unknown attacks and quickly initiate countermeasures.


The Defence Center plays a paramount role in the protection of infrastructures. Through the installation of special cyber probes in our clients networks, we detect and manage risks and security incidents. Our team constantly analyses, categorises, evaluates, compares and integrates the information flow in order to identify threats and attacks:


Opportunistic attacks

Information or credentials theft

Suspicious internal-external communications

Direct attacks from outside

Propagation and malware infections

Advanced persistent threats

Advanced Targeted Attack


Yoroi supports and manages mitigation through 'lean' procedures, aiming to maximise the efficacy and efficiency of interventions in terms of required intervention time and downtime. Our Defence Center team uses and implements HP, EPRI and SAS guidelines.


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